Working On Family History: Just My Thoughts.

Warnings: When on paid genealogy sites try to pay monthly. Many do not offer it that way. Usually it’s a yearly subscription but look and see. I say this having found that their help or support on a few of these sites can be non-existent.

I found this problem mostly with the DNA management areas. Trying to set up my brother’s DNA on my account was a nightmare. In the end my brother and I had to just stop trying and accept the loss of money we paid. It seems  to me they just wanted him to pay the full amount on an account of his own instead of letting me manage his DNA on mine.
These sites also can spit back what you’ve already put in on your tree in the form of hints. If you are on more than one site like I am, free and paid, they may find your information on another genealogy site send it to you on their site in a hint.

DNA is still relatively new and research into finding your past still has some flaws I think. For instead, the percentage amounts for the countries your ancestors came from change with every new country tested even if your ancestors had not lived in them. I think  DNA science might take some time yet to develop in this field and in the meantime this seems to be a money maker for this industry.
Just my thoughts.  ~JAN

One comment

  1. I got my DNA tested through At first, I was confused about why my results kept changing, but it changes as more people get tested. Also, the results can reflect people who lived hundreds of years ago and do not show up in your tree.

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